Thursday, June 4, 2009

Project Professions - The Brasilian Air Force

Conhecer e Seguir Jesus...(Know and Follow Jesus...)

(We must apologize for this blog. We have tried to place the captions with the right pictures, but this blog has all the captions at the beginning!)
Project Professions is a project where we invited people from different professions to come and share what they do with the children from Procrescer!
The purpose is to show these children from poor backgrounds that God loves them, and offers them opportunities for a better life if they are willing to work for it!

For our first profession, we asked one of our friends, Mario, who is a colonel in the Brasilian Air Force, to come and talk with the children at the church building. Mario really enjoyed his visit with the children, and arranged for a field trip to the Brasilian Air Force base in Boa Viagem, Recife.

I think the men and women of the Brasilian Air Force were equally excited to have the children visit! We arrived in time to watch the raising of the Brasilian flag, and afterwards, the children recieved a marching salute! We were told that a marching salute is generally reserved for high ranking officials, such as the president of Brasil!

After the marching salute, we were invited to visit the Brasilian Air Force museum. While there, we saw many interesting things, and also learned about the first man to invent the airplane! Did you know that the Wright brothers were not the first to invent the airplane? I did not either! The first airplane was invented by a Brasilian named Alberto Santos Dumont!

The children were also able to go inside a small plane that use to be the plane for the president of Brasil! None of these children have ever flown before, and asked about a ride! But the plane there on the base is now a part of the museum, and the Air Force is not allowed to take the children for a ride!

After the museum, the children were given snacks. Then they were taken into a room for a video presentation of the Brasilian Air Force. And after that, they were taken to the the general's office to meet the general, who absolutely loved the children!

The Portuguese word for general is "brigadeiro,"which is also the Portuguese word for a small chocolate candy ball. So the general surprised the children with some of the chocolate balls, which the children loved!

All in all, it was a great day for the children, and has given some of the children something to think about doing in their future!